Running Kryptor


  1. Navigate to the location of the downloaded .zip file (e.g. the Downloads folder).

  2. Right click the .zip file and select Extract All.

  3. Cut and paste (Ctrl + X) the kryptor.exe file into %USERPROFILE%, which can be accessed by searching %USERPROFILE% in the taskbar.

  4. Open the Command Prompt (e.g. search for cmd in the taskbar).

  5. Type kryptor -h for a list of commands and some examples.

Don't move the executable into a directory that requires administrator privileges.


  1. Open the terminal (e.g. search your programs for terminal) and navigate to the path of the downloaded .zip file (e.g. cd Downloads).

  2. Type unzip [file].zip.

  3. Navigate to the extracted folder (e.g. cd kryptor-linux-x64).

  4. Mark the kryptor file as executable using chmod +x kryptor.

  5. Move the kryptor executable to the /home directory using mv kryptor /home.

  6. Type ./kryptor -h for a list of commands and some examples.

Don't move the executable into a directory that requires root privileges.


  1. Open Finder and navigate to the path of the kryptor file (e.g. Downloads/kryptor-macos-x64).

  2. Right click on the kryptor file, choose Open, and click Open in the popup.

  3. Close the TextEdit application.

  4. Open the terminal (e.g. search your programs for terminal) and navigate to the path of the folder containing the kryptor file (e.g. cd Downloads/kryptor-macos-x64).

  5. Mark the kryptor file as executable using chmod +x kryptor.

  6. Enter the command cd.

  7. Move the kryptor executable to the /Users/USERNAME directory, replacing USERNAME with your user account name, which is shown before the @ symbol on the far left of the terminal (e.g. mv Downloads/kryptor-macos-x64/kryptor /Users/samuellucas).

  8. Type ./kryptor -h for a list of commands and some examples.

Don't move the executable into a directory that requires root privileges.

Last updated